3 thoughts on “Feasibility Report Presentation”

  1. I think you have a really great start to your presentation. I really liked the layout, and thought the pictures represented the topic of the slide very well. The criteria was easy to understand, and follow up with. One thing I would suggest is mentioning what the software will be used for. I am assuming some type of math purpose? While I know which choice you picked, I don’t know why. You could either add another slide, or add a quick line in one of the first few. Overall, a very solid presentation!

  2. J,
    You have a really good layout, and it’s very easy to understand. I like the simplicity of it! I think it might be nice to see on one of the slides why the new software is needed. Other than that I really like how you have put your presentation together.

  3. J, I think the presentation has a lot of visually appealing backgrounds and are relevant to the subject matter. I like how you show a picture of each of the different software programs and then state why the one you chose is better than the rest.

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